Don The Idea Guy

Possessing creative powers beyond those of mere mortals, DON THE IDEA GUY rescues those in need of innovative ideas through his brainstorming sessions, articles, and consulting.

Don is the author of the book “100-Whats of Creativity, one-hundred ‘what if?’ questions to spur your creativity, unmuck your mind, and break through your mental blocks” and has written dozens articles and hundreds of blog postings on the subject of increasing innovation and adding creativity to your personal and professional life.

Don The Idea Guy is an award-winning public speaker and an official “Trained Brain” of the Eureka Ranch in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He has sold, shared, or traded ideas with the likes Sears-Kenmore, Ford Motor Company, Palm, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, Kelloggs, The American Marketing Association, Doug Hall, Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, Jeffrey Gitomer, and The Tom Peters Company who described Don The Idea Guy as “the perfect example of a strong and successful brand“.

Don was recognized as a Forbes Favorite for his articles in the Duct Tape Marketing Innovation Channel, he’s has been featured in Small Business News, interviewed by the New York Times, quoted in Fast Company magazine, served as the first President of the International Idea Trade Association, and has contributed or been profiled in several books (like “Grapevine: The New Art of Word-of-Mouth Marketing” by Dave Balter).

The Idea Guy was one of the original Gitomer Certified Speakers, hand selected and entrusted by best selling author and sales expert Jeffrey Gitomer to deliver his content with clarity, humor, and impact.  Don was also awarded status as a Gitomer Certified Advisor, authorized and mentored by the global sales guru to sell and facilitate Gitomer’s full-day classroom courses on sales training, attitude, networking, and customer loyalty.

With a degree in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Don has focused his creativity in a variety of fields; graphic design, broadcasting, sales, marketing, promotion, training, and customer service.

Don pays special attention to business, marketing, and social trends which results in keeping his clients ahead of the curve (and ahead of their competition) in applying and adapting new trends and technology to their marketing strategies.